My Dear Sister
If Christ is Your Savior
You are the dwelling place
Of His own Spirit
You have it IN YOU
to be secure.
Every day of your life
You have a choice to make
You can live in your old defeat
Or you can turn from your unbelief
And choose life
Make up your mind
To put off the old you
And put on the new you.
Never, ever, ever forget
That the Lord is your security.
He will keep your foot
From being caught in a trap.
He will take care of you
To your very last breath.
Now, leave this place
And go out into the world
And act like a person
Who knows she’s dearly loved.
You were born to be exceptional.
So, Girlfriend, go forth
And walk worthy of your calling.
You are clothed in strength and dignity!
Now unto Him
Who can keep you from falling
Be glory and majesty
Power and authority
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
Now and forever more
So Long, Insecurity!
Thanks to Living Proof for sharing this on their blog. I definitely want to tell you all about what I learned today, but my eyelids are heavier than a herd of elephants. So I thought I would give you just a sample of we covered.
Just in case no one ever told you . . . you are loved incredibly. You were made for a purpose. God can do incredible things in the life of ANYONE who trusts Him . . .even free us from the trap of insecurity.

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