I realized that I am a lot like a Roman Candle.
I'm all fire and energy, a vast array of different colors streaking across the sky in a blaze of glory, but before long I burn out, and you are left with an empty vessel. I quickly jump from project to project my own little balls of light, always excited about the next "thing," but instead of focusing my energy on one grand multi-colored display, I quickly pop and move on to something different.
I wish I was more like the wick of a candle. A slow, steady burn that provides light and fragrance to a room. I'm working on it. I've made it a goal to see things through to completion before I jump off to start on my next great idea/job/project.
I'm sure Roman Candles have a purpose. They can be beautiful. They can be entertaining. Here's praying this Roman Candle can help light up the night.
I have this problem too! Good luck turning into a wick. ;-)