The winner of the SodaStream Fountain Jet is . . .
I 'like' sodastream on Facebook
Carrie I B
The winner of the Bodycology giveaway is . . . .
Comment #54 is Susie B. Homemaker.
I have contacted the winners. They have 48 hours to respond to the winning e-mail.
**The SodaStream giveaway was our biggest one yet. There were 365 entries into the contest. For those of you not familiar with Blogger, the comment numbers only go to 200 and then they start counting back at one. You can tell the difference between #55 and #255 by checking the comment range link at the top of the comments (ex. 1-200 or 201-365). I just thought I'd clarify that here so there wouldn't be any confusion. I do plan on making a switch to wordpress in the near future - this should eliminate any numbering problems.