I used to feel like there was no real way I could make a difference. Now, through the power of the Internet (and blogging in particular), I've discovered that I have a voice to communicate with hundreds of people around the world.
I used to think that I needed people to admire me in order to have self-worth. I've learned that I have worth because of who I am (and Who's I am), not because of what I do.
I used to imagine what it would be like to be a wife and mother, and although it definitely has its challenging moments, it just keeps getting better.
Even though my life is not perfect, I have learned that attitude is everything. When you have the right perspective it's possible to see the bright side in even the darkest of circumstances.
Things are better than ever because of the friends and family in my life that make each day a new adventure.
Dove gofresh is hosting a photo contest. You can share what's "better than ever" on their facebook fan page and be entered for a chance to win a spa weekend getaway in Sedona, Arizona and thousands of dollars of prize packages from the folks at Dove.
You can also join this discussion on TwitterMoms and share how your life keeps getting better.
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Dove® gofresh™ blogging program, making me eligible to get a $25 gift card and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”
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