May 24, 2012

Week 4 - Run to the MOPS Convention

To find out more about the mission of MOPS or to find a group in your area, check out this link:

The last week and a half have been a little bit slow in the whole running department. Things have gotten a bit busy lately (your standard mom stuff - sick kiddos, doctor's appointments, and a bajillion and twelve loads of laundry). I haven't gotten in as many miles as I would have liked this week, but I did fit in some!. Here's my last week in review.

5/12 Monday - Ran 3 miles
5/13 Tuesday - Ran 1.25, biked 5.75 miles
5/ 17 Thursday Walked 2 miles
5/20 Sunday - Ran 4 miles

Week Total: 16 miles

Week 1: 14.05 miles
Week 2: 37.025 miles
Week 3: 6 miles
Week 4: 16 miles

Grand total:  73.05 out of 411 miles

A HUGE note of thanks to Courtney M. who outran me this week through her donation of $40. Way to go Courtney, you're awesome. 

Fundraising Goal $60/500.
We also had a fundraiser at our last MOPS meeting where we raised $210 through a silent auction. Thanks to all of the ladies who participated!

Would you like to help send our MOPS Coordinator and I to the Mothers of Preschoolers Convention, Aug. 9-11 ? The money we're raising will go to help cover our transportation and lodging expense to attend (We're driving from NM to TX with five kids under the age of ten - you might say a prayer for our sanity). You can make an easy, secure donation by clicking on the link below. Seriously, every single little bit helps!

Where am I on the map? 
This week I ran from outside of Littlefield and I almost made it to Anton.

 The big picture:
The pink highlighted section shows how far I've traveled to date. 

Next week's goal: Make it to Lubbock, TX (about 23 miles).

To learn more about what I'm trying to do you can check out my most recent posts.
*I would walk 500 miles 
*Week 2.5 update

Thanks for your support!


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