April 9, 2012

Kindle Fire Giveaway!

I won a Kindle Fire through a blog giveaway last month and I L-O-V-E it! I've partnered with several other fabulous blogs and some awesome sponsors to give away, not ONE but FOUR Kindle Fires. I hope that you win one!!!

Here we go everybody! Are you ready for this? Freebie Shark, American Family, Coupon Pro, and Mark Your Savings have teamed up with Acadiana's Thrifty Mom and a group of AWESOME bloggers to bring you 1, no 2, no 3, NO 4 CHANCES to win a Kindle Fire! You read it right, there are 4, yes 4, Kindle Fires up for grabs in this colossal giveaway! We have taken all the work out of the rafflecopter and made this as easy peasy as possible ♥ So what are you waiting for? GO!!!! Good luck!

*This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest in any way. You must be 18 years of age to enter to win. This giveaway will be open worldwide. Freebie Shark, American Family, Coupon Pro, and Mark Your Savings with E are responsible for the distribution of the prizes. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I finished a book in March, but now I can hardly remember what it was about, lol.

  2. I finished a book last month but I really need to finish the book I'm currently reading!

  3. I finished a book for Easter holiday, hooray!

  4. Hoping this is where i need to leave my comment...
    The last time i finished a book was probably about a year ago :(


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