April 27, 2012

I would walk 500 miles . . . well more like 411 - MOPS Convention 2012

I am a huge fan of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). I've been on steering team (leadership group) for the past two years and I'll be working as co-coordinator for our local group next year. I'm super duper excited for the MOPS Convention this year which will take place August 9-11 at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, TX. Our church has offered to cover the registration costs for our current coordinator and myself (which is FANTASTIC), but we still lack about $500 to cover our gas to convention and our shared hotel room once we arrive.

 What is MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)?
If you're not familiar with MOPS, here's my explanation. MOPS is a lifeline, a resource, a place where a mom can come with her troubles (and her toddlers) and benefit from the wisdom and friendship of others. It's more than a "playgroup." MOPS gives the mom an opportunity to be refreshed and renewed through meetings with guest speakers, crafts, and (most important in my book) uninterrupted grown-up conversation (the kids play at on-site childcare)- although to be fair, we probably still spend 90% of our time talking about our kids - who got peed on that morning, and who's child dumped an entire box of "Cheese Its" on the floor (that would be my kiddo).  

When I was a new mom in the community and barely knew a soul, MOPS provided an environment where I could form friendships with women sharing the same stage of life.You can find a group in your area by visiting www.mops.orghttp://www.mops.org

And no, I'm not a paid spokesperson. I just really believe in the mission and message of MOPS: "Better Moms Make a Better World."

Why Convention?
Our local chapter is a relatively young group. Next year will mark our 4th year in existence, and I know that we have sooo much that we can learn and put into practice to help our group grow and thrive. Not only will it benefit our local MOPS group, but I am confident that it will help me learn the skills I need to be the best mom I can be - plus to be completely honest, I am absolutely thrilled about the idea of spending an entire weekend without changing a diaper or wiping a bottom.

What I'm doing . . .
I started brainstorming ways that we could raise funds to cover the cost and this is what I came up with: I'll walk/run/bike to the convention, all 411 miles from New Mexico to Grapevine, TX. Before you say "You're out of your ever-loving mind," let me clarify. I'm not going to do it all at once. From April to August I will be logging my miles at the gym and in the neighborhood with the hope that I can reach my destination by August 9th.

Why am I telling you all of this?
This is after I finished running my very FIRST 5K race EVER on March 17th. (When I started in February, I couldn't even run a mile). I'm currently training for my very first half-marathon in November 2012.

I need your help! 

I'm looking for people to adopt some miles and help us reach our goal. I figure if I can raise $1 a mile then we'll have close to everything we need for our trip. I'll be keeping track of my progress on the map and I can list the names of the people who are "running with me" through their support. You can run with me for one mile ($1) or five ($5) or if you really feel up to it you could sponsor 25 or 50. It's totally up to you. Seriously, every bit helps. Secure donations are accepted through PayPal. If you want your donation to be anonymous, just make me a note when you submit. If not, I'm going to celebrate your choice to run with me by listing your name beside the mile(s) you sponsor.

I'll provide a weekly update showing how many miles I've logged that week and let you know how close I am to my destination (both physically and financially).

Week of April 22-28:
*Tuesday - Ran 3 miles
*Wednesday Ran 2 miles
*Thursday - Ran 1 miles, Biked 5.5 miles
*Friday - 2.55 miles at the gym
*Saturday - TBA
Weekly Total: 14.05

Where am I on the map? 

This week, I left Clovis and ran through the towns of Texico, NM and Farwell, TX.

Next week's goal - to pass through Muleshoe, TX (16 miles away).

Who's ready to run??
Financial Goal: 0/$500 

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave a message on this post, or send an e-mail to Sarah.mommys.minute(at)gmail(dot)com



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