July 11, 2011

Ten Reasons I'd Like to Visit Virginia Beach

It's hard to believe that summer vacation is almost halfway over! When did July get here? My family just got back from visiting family in Texas last week. It was a fantastic time, but this warm weather has me wishing for a watery destination. Virginia Beach seems like a winner to me. Here are ten reasons I'd like to visit Virginia Beach:

1. My children have never seen the ocean. I'm surrounded by sand, unfortunately, it's because I live near the desert. We have the grit and the sand, but no ocean views. I'd loved for my land-locked kiddos to enjoy the beauty of the ocean.
2. I could use a romantic get-away. Everyone loves a romantic stroll on a beach. As the busy mom of two toddlers nothing sounds more appealing than sitting on a quiet beach with the husb. Ah, ocean sunsets. I think a girl could get used to that.
3. Can we build it? Yes, we can! Beaches are the perfect place to build a sandcastle. I would love to watch my family build a fantastic, sandy house. Of course, pretending to be a giant and knocking down a sandy city can be equally fun.
4. From Sand to Strawberries. You can visit Pungo and pick some yummy strawberries. This has definitely been on my to-do list. Too bad they don't have chocolate on hand. Chocolate and strawberries is one of my favorite food combinations.
5. Surrey Rentals - I did this once when I visited the Gulf of Mexico. It's fun to peddle this little Surrey around town. I think older kids would definitely get a kick out of being able to "drive" around town with the family.
6. Soaring above it all. My parents went parasailing in Hawaii a few years ago and said it was fantastic. I would love to give it a try. I'm not totally sure I can handle flying nearly 1,000 feet in the air, but it'd be worth a shot. I'm sure the views would be just beautiful.
7. Visit the Virginia Aquarium. My son loves all things fish-related. I would love to give him the opportunity to see his fishy friends up close. They also have an IMAX theater on site.
8. Expand Your Artistic Horizons - The Contemporary Art Center of Virginia offers instructional art classes for ages 2 - adult. I don't have a lot of skill in this department, but it'd be fun to admire the creative work of others!
9. Tons of Parks - The Virginia Beach area features several different parks. They'd be perfect for a picnic lunch or an afternoon of outdoor activities.
10. Food. Food. Food. I love fresh food. I'd love to sample some fresh seafood. Mmmm. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. I'd love to just stroll along the Boardwalk sampling coastal cuisine.

I can't make it out there this year, but it seems like a great place to visit.

What are some of your favorite places to visit with your family?


“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Virginia Beach Tourism blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

1 comment:

  1. Got to get those kids to the ocean! Great reasons! Check mine out too:


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