June 25, 2011

Almost FAMOUS! I need your help!

I don't frequently plead for your attention, but I'd love it if you could help me with one teeny little favor. . .

My boys and I are finalists in the "What's in the Bible" video promo contest. The winner will appear in Vol. #7 of the "What's in the Bible" series. If you haven't seen them yet, they are just outstanding. I love, love, love them.

Here's how you can help:
1. Like the "What's in the Bible" Facebook page at: http://facebook.com/WhatsintheBible
2. Click on "Video Contest" to the left of our page under the picture.
3. Click the "Vote Now" button.
4. Click on the green "Vote Now" button to vote for "More Bible Please"

The contest runs between now and June 29th. You can vote once a day if you don't have a facebook account you can also vote for my video by clicking on this link: http://bit.ly/lfrwzp and then vote for "More Bible Please."

Here's a preview of our entry:

You guys are fantastic! Thanks soooo much for your help. My little boy would be so thrilled if he turned on his "Bible" video and was able to see a character talking specifically to him. It'd be so neat! 


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