April 12, 2011

Where does the time go??

First off, I want to apologize for being a bit of a negligent blogger over the last few months. Things have been absolutely crazy in our house the last several weeks. Since January, we have purchased our first home and we are just weeks away from welcoming home baby boy #2. The last several weeks have been a flurry of activity and busyness.

I don't know why I have felt the urge to totally renovate the house while in the third trimester, but the urge had to be satisfied. We have now painted the kitchen, living room, office, master bedroom and bathroom. I've swapped out light fixtures. Re-tiled and painted a built-in bar. Wall-mounted a television in the living room. As of last night, I also sewed curtains for the nursery. I plan on posting pictures of my frugal home improvements on the blog as I get the time. I'm a big fan of cheap DIY projects (my budget is a big fan of them too!)

So now after a frenzy of activity, this mama is pooped. So what am I doing during nap-time? Writing on my blog. Who cares that there are dishes in my sink and that my laundry basket is overflowing. . . they'll still be there in five minutes.

I'm so super excited to meet this little boy. This pregnancy has just absolutely flown right by! Pretty soon our family of three will become a family of four. So, bear with me if posts are a little scarce over the next few weeks. I promise I'm not giving up, I'm just going to be focusing on family for a bit (and on recouping the sleep I've been missing for the last several months)!

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