June 17, 2010

Lovable Labels BlogHer' 10 Getaway Contest - "Help Wanted":

Help Wanted:

Local individual seeks an applicant to fill the following position. This growing entity seeks a responsible individual to assist in day-to-day operations.

  • Individual will be responsible for managing and purchasing supplies on a limited budget. 
  • Strong organizational and planning abilities and effective communication skills are a must.
  • Candidate needs experience in nursing, psychology, conflict mediation, and education.
  • In addition to human resource responsibilities, individual must be prepared to fulfill rolls on an as-needed basis. This may include, but is not limited to, chauffeur, chef, tutor, accountant, coach, and fashion stylist.
  • Must be available to work nights, weekends, all holidays.
  • Must be willing to work overtime and a frequent graveyard shift.
  • Needs to work well under pressure and deadlines.

There are currently no insurance or retirement benefits. In fact, this is an unpaid, often thankless position.

Long-term benefits include:
  • A confidence in your ability to persevere in the midst of great difficulty.
  • The knowledge that you've made a significant investment in the life of another human being.
  • The love of a child. 
  • A legacy.
Thank you moms for all that you do! Studies have estimated that moms should be compensated $138,000 a year for their services. I think we're worth all that and more. I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that what you are doing is SOOOO important. On behalf of children everywhere (both young and old), thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice. It means more than you know.


This post was written as part of the Lovable Labels BlogHer '10 Getaway contest.


  1. So well written, Sarah! Good luck in the contest!

    Silly Mom Thoughts

  2. Thanks Lindsay!
    I've got my fingers crossed. NYC would be an absolute DREAM for me!!


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