June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Every so often my birthday falls on Father's Day, that's the case this year. So the hubby and I both get to enjoy a special day. I think that means we should eat out ALL day. Who wants to fix dinner on their special day?

I'm thankful for the fathers in my life. I'm thankful for my own dad who always did his best to provide a godly example and a solid foundation for my family when I was growing up. I'm also thankful for my husband. There are few things that make my heart more content than sitting on the couch watching my husband interact with our little boy.

I'm sure being a dad has it's own unique challenges, especially in this day and age where dads are portrayed on TV as bumbling buffoons (Family Guy, Modern Family, etc). In my opinion, there are very few positive examples of good dads in today's media. If you're aware of any feel free to let me know. Enough of my soapbox, back to the point -

I offer a heartfelt thanks. What you do as a dad is so important to our families.

Happy Father's Day!


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