May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day or should I say MOMday

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. I took the weekend off, but now it's back to business as usual here at Mommy's Minute.

This was my first official Mother's Day with my little boy, and it was a special day. Of course, he's too small to do much more than slobber on Mommy, but Dad did a great job of making the day a good one.

We dedicated our son at church on Sunday - what a special way to remember that these precious children are gifts from God.

The husb picked up some fried chicken and macaroni and cheese for lunch (not exactly health food, but it was oh so tasty!). He then watched our son while I took an undisturbed nap . . . gosh, I love naps. Top off the day with flowers, Chinese take-out, and game night with my man and it was a great Mother's Day.

Unfortunately, I now have to resume my normal household duties. My sink is overflowing with dishes, my laundry basket overflowing with clothes, and my floors in desperate need of a good cleaning.

I think there should be more than one day a year to honor moms and all they do. I nominate Mondays. From henceforth, Monday's shall be MOMdays. Sounds good to me .. . now if I only I can find someone to come clean my house for free . . .



  1. Just in case you were wondering . . . I have TEN, yes TEN loads of laundry to do today. That's the last time I skip a week of doing the laundry. It will take me at least 10 straight hours to get everything washed.

  2. I did 5 loads of laundry today and 6 sink loads of dishes. Happy to here you had a good day.


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