August 28, 2011

"Route 66" by Krish Kandiah Review

Route 66: A Crash Course in Navigating Life with the Bible
Few believers doubt the Bible's ability to change their lives. The challenge for many is learning how to navigate the pages of Scripture in a way that impacts our everyday lives in a practical way. Understanding the unique nature and message of God's Word enables the individual to apply scripture and therefore make a difference in his or her everyday life.

Using the analogy of a road trip, Route 66  by Krish Kandiah provides the tools necessary to navigate and apply Scripture in a practical way. The book contains eight sections - "living faithfully, distinctively, poetically, discerningly, prophetically, infectiously, purposefully, and hopefully each provide an introduction to a different kind of literature within the Bible and follows with questions for discussion and five days of daily readings."

This book would be a wonderful resource for individual study or in a small group setting. The study can be completed in an eight-week time frame. The five daily readings are a great length, not at all overwhelming in length or in content. There are a total of 40 readings and a wonderful selection of discussion questions. The author does an excellent job of making the readings accessible and understandable. It's a great resource for those seeking to navigate God's Word! Bring a friend along for the journey, this trip down Route 66 has the potential to impact your Christian journey.

About the Author:

Krish Kandiah is the Executive Director: Churches in Mission for the UK Evangelical Alliance. He is also an external examiner for Oak Hill College, an Associate Research Fellow at London School of Theology, and is part of the theme development group for Spring Harvest.

Dr. Kandiah previously held the position of Director of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, in addition to being Tutor for the Mission and Evangelism at Wycliffe Hall. He was also an Oxford University Theology faculty member.

Before becoming the pastor of a multi-cultural church in Harrow, Kandiah worked with students in the UK with Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship, and in Albania with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. He has wide experience in evangelism and cross cultural mission, and he is in demand around the world as a speaker and lecturer—though he is still a regular speaker at university missions and at Spring Harvest.

Dr. Kandiah and his wife, Miriam, have four elementary aged children and regularly take in foster babies. Kandiah has a keen interest in movies, photography, rock music, and Liverpool FC.

Route 66: A Crash Course in Navigating Life (978-0-85721-018-0) by Krish Kandiah is published by Monarch Books and distributed by Kregel Publications.

Visit the author’s website: for more information.


I received a complimentary copy of the book to facilitate my review. The opinions expressed are my honest thoughts of the book.

August 24, 2011

A Different Kind of Good

Every so often I go through college withdrawals. College was a good time. Friends lived literally just around the corner. There was freedom, there was fun, without all the full responsibilities of adulthood (mortgages, insurance, bills, bills, and more bills).

Of course while in college, I couldn't help but look forward to the "next" phase of life. Marriage, a family. No tests. No papers. Surely, that would beat the endless schedule of exams and lectures.

No stage of life is perfect. If I'm constantly looking ahead or behind, I'm bound to be disappointed with the present. As I type I have a two-year-old coloring at my feet and a sleeping baby on my chest. This is good. It may not be the same as 2 AM runs to Wal-mart with the girls, or outdoor concerts and activities on a college campus, but it is a time that I know I'll look back on and miss.

I've always been tempted to look back and say "those were the best days." Or anticipate the future (when kiddos will be out of diapers and old enough to take on responsibilities on their own) and think "I can't wait for that day to get here."

I know one day I'll miss rocking my babies, just like I miss things from different phases of my life. So, I should thoroughly enjoy this day, because it won't last forever.

I'm thankful that God doesn't leave us in the same place. We'd take it for granted. I'm grateful for the past, enjoying the present, and looking forward to the future. They are all a different kind of good.


August 15, 2011

"A Bug Collection" DVD Review

As the mother of a preschooler, I'm always on the lookout for wholesome, entertaining videos for my family. Although (before kids) I swore I was never going to be one of those moms who plopped their kids in front of the TV all day, I have learned that 30 minutes of entertainment = 30 minutes that I can use to accomplish all those chores that seem to pile up overnight.

"A Bug Collection" is a set of DVDs from Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends series. This DVD set includes: Buzby and the Grumblebees—it’s about bee-having, Haily & Bailey's Silly Fight—it’s about getting along, Milo, the Mantis Who Wouldn't Pray—it's about prayer.

Buzby and the Grumblebees is my son's favorite. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've watched it today.

I like that the series communicates positive values, including: the importance of behaving, learning to get along, and the importance of prayer.

They'd be a great addition to your home video library. They're great for the whole family!


I received a complimentary copy to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed are my honest thoughts of the product.

"Pocket Purifier" Review and Giveaway

I've seen a lot of those "As Seen on TV" products recently. Have you ever wondered if any of them actually work?

I had the opportunity to try out the Pocket Purifier: The Handheld Germ Eliminating Light.

The device includes a 4 watt germicidal UV light. It's the same type of technology that a lot of hospitals use to steralize surgical equipment.

So . . . does it work?

Honest answer, I don't really know. I don't have the scientific equipment necessary to test and see if it kills the germs, but scientific tests have shown that UV light will kill any DNA-based organism with a large enough dose of UV and that the UV light breaks down DNA on a cumulative basis. It has been proven to be effective on the germs that cause the cold and flu virus, plus e-coli, mold, and fungus.

It is certainly easy to use. It just takes four AA batteries and is small enough to easily transport in your purse. I'm thinking this is a MUST have for dirty hotel rooms. Am I the only one afraid to touch the hotel remote control? All you have to do is turn the device on. Hold the UV-C light over the area that needs to be disinfected for about 10-15 seconds and voila - sanitized surface.

I tried it out on some of my kids toys. They say you can also use it on kitchen utensils, telephones, office equipment, bathroom products, etc. It certainly seems like a good idea - especially with flu season on the horizon.

It also comes with a built in flashlight which I think isn't completely necessary, but hey, maybe the lights go out while you're disinfecting . . . you never know, and at $20 or less it seems like a decent deal.

As a mom, I can definitely see the benefit in a product like this. It's potable, easy to use, and affordable. They are available at a variety of retail locations and online at their website

Would you like to try one in your own home?

It's easy to enter and win!


I received a complimentary copy of the product to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed are my honest thoughts of the product.